POZOR - v mrazech Vaše přístroje trpí!!
Při současných velkých mrazech pracují vaše ohřívače naplno – ochraňte je před nánosy vodního kamene našimi přístroji !
odstraňujeme ztráty energie
Přístroje AntiCa + + jsou určeny pro úpravu tvrdé vody všude tam, kde dochází k tvorbě a usazování vodního kamene.
Od doby, kdy začal člověk používat vodu pro různé účely, se potýká s problémy, které způsobují vodní kámen.
Tato zařízení jsou určená pro úpravu tvrdé vody všude tam, kde je třeba snížit nebo odstranit z upravované vody soli vápníku a hořčíku.
Domovní čistírny s provzdušňováním sloužící pro čištění odpadních vod z rodinných domů, penzionů a bytovek.
Our AntiCa++ devices are designed for hard water treatment where limescale is being created due to temperature or pressure changes. In households and industrial plants this problem appears mainly when water is being heated up. During this process calcium is being excluded from the water, settles on the heating element and significantly reduces its thermal efficiency.
This form of non-chemical water treatment uses neodymium magnets to soften hard water. Its advantage lies in easy installation where no plumbing is needed, no access to electricity is necessary and the device is very low-maintenance. Magnetic water treatment devices work with no chemicals so they are highly ecological and environment friendly.
Many households nowadays have to deal with the problems that hard water causes them. The main one is limescale which appears when hard water gets in touch with different surfaces. However, getting rid of the problems connected to hard water should not be at the expense of our health. Hard water contains higher concentration of minerals that our bodies need and we should not be trying to get rid of them.
Water from a well is usually very hard and requires some treatment before being used. Our devices serve to treat such a water in a very simple way without changing its composition.
Vodní kámen ve vašich spotřebičích Vodní kámen v plastové trubce
Water hardness is determined by adding up concentrations of minerals dissolved in the water, i.e. concentrations of calcium and magnesium salts (sum of Ca2+ a Mg2+). For drinking water following concentrations are recommended:
Ca2+ 40–80 mg/l
Mg2+ 20–30 mg/l
Non-drinking water, on the other hand, should contain minimal amount of minerals but the value should not be zero. Water with no minerals whatsoever is called “hungry” water that absorbs missing minerals from other sources and contributes to higher corrosion of metal pipes.
Surfaces that come in direct contact with hard water are usually covered with white to grey-ish layer (known as limescale). This layer is very hard to get rid of and causes many inconveniences.
However, much bigger problem in a household are limescale deposits on surfaces that are usually not visible are. We are talking mainly about limescale deposits on heating elements and other inner parts of dishwashers, boilers, washing machines and kettles. We usually only notice the limescale deposits when it is too late as the process of scale settling is gradual. Efficiency of your household appliances slowly decreases while electricity bill rises and we only notice the problem when the appliance breaks down, when it is too late to save it.
Vodní kámen v potrubí
It is possible to measure water hardness by using test strips or testing liquid but the best way to measure water hardness is by water analysis done in a specialised laboratory. Those are usually run by sanitary stations or by municipal water supply provider.
Water hardness can also be determined based on how much a soap lathers when washing something. It lathers more in a soft water, the harder the water the less the soap lathers. Its consumption is then higher when using hard water for washing.
Our electronic water treatment devices will help you with the old scale deposits and will prevent the scale from further settling while the content of minerals in your water remains unchanged.
Chemical water treatment devices remove calcium and magnesium from the water.
Magnetic water treatment devices remove limescale by using neodymium magnets. There is no need for electricity supply.
R.S. AQUATECH CZ was established in late 2000 with the aim to sell and install electronic water treatment systems. The year 2001 brought us some major industrial contracts, while about a half of the installations were carried out in private houses and apartments. We also offer accessory technology required for water treatment (filters for solid particles, mud traps, water meters with connectors to flow meters, flanges, weld-on elbows, etc.) when requested.
In 2002 the company entered the market with packaging materials. We began to produce wooden pallet collars for EUR pallets, now with an annual output of about 100 thousand pieces. Production and sale of other packaging materials, such as cardboard boxes, PVC, bags and hoses, meshes, various foils and so on, naturally followed.
In 2003 we began to present our company as a servicing body for packaging management, aiming towards comprehensive product packaging services for our customers.
The year 2003 also brought ISO 9001-2009 certification, a significant growth starter and base for customer influx, bringing important changes into company organisation.
In 2004 we expanded to the field of co-operation on products packaged into packaging produced by us, e.g. chip working of aluminium or cast iron parts.
We also expanded in the pallet collar business where we added buy-back, repairs and sale of used pallet collars and EUR/ Epal pallets.
In 2007 a new division REWORK was established with the aim to provide on-demand final inspection, measuring and minor repairs of manufactured products.
In 2011 we were granted an Employment Agency status and started outsourcing our employees, mainly to companies operating within an engineering industry.
Year 2013 brought expansion in the field of water treatment- chemical water treatment devices and other water treatment accessories (such as waste water treatment devices, salt for chemical water treatment, cation exchanger technology, chemicals designed to remove iron and manganese particles from the water) were added to our product portfolio.
POZOR - v mrazech Vaše přístroje trpí!!
Při současných velkých mrazech pracují vaše ohřívače naplno – ochraňte je před nánosy vodního kamene našimi přístroji !