Magnetic water treatment- how it works

Why is limescale being created?

One of the main principles of nature is balance. The calcium carbonate particles are mostly balanced in water from a well or other natural sources. By heating it up, the balance is violated. To restore it, calcium is being excluded from the water in the form of CaCO3- hard sediment known as a limescale.


Anti Ca++ devices use strong neodymium magnets to create magnetic field that restores balance by renewing the content of free carbon dioxide CO2 in the water. During this process, positive ions of calcium Ca2+ collide with negative ions of carbon CO32- and create electrically neutral molecules CaCO3.

Those molecules do not create limescale deposits but are flushed out with the water instead. Water treated this way automatically acquires those properties:

  • decreases creation of limescale in hot water
  • disrupts old limescale deposits
  • protects iron and copper pipes from corrosion
  • the content of minerals in the water remains the same
  • has got positive effect on people with sensitive skin- better feeling after a shower
  • lowers the amount of soap and other detergents needed for washing and thus saves money and protects environment
  • has got temporary beneficial properties as it breaks the bonds of CaCO3 and helps water restore equilibrium


Limescale deposit in a plastic pipe after 1 year of usage of new pipe

Limescale deposit after 1 year